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eM Client integration with Nextcloud: Update files you already sent

6 May 2021

The integration of Nextcloud (a modern, self-hosted content collaboration platform) and eM Client (a powerful email and productivity app for Windows and macOS) allows you to send files as links to your Nextcloud storage. It's easier, faster and safer. You can also upload email attachments from eM Client directly to Nextcloud.


eM Client integration with ownCloud: Attach files to emails as cloud storage links

28 Apr 2021

Sending files via email can be impractical, messy, and full of security risks. But not with the right tools. Using cloud attachments instead of local email attachments by connecting your email app to a cloud storage, such as ownCloud, is a good start.


eM Client 8.2 is here with exciting updates

22 Mar 2021

We are proud to present eM Client 8.2 with yet another set of new exciting features, such as the Online Meeting integration with Zoom, MS Teams and Google Meet, even better cloud storage attachments support, new emoticons and Giphy support, as well as a litte treat from our designers - a beautiful set of new eM Stickers!


eM Client Christmas Theme

22 Dec 2020

It's been an exhausting year with many challenges and it's important to stay in touch with our loved ones this holiday season more than ever. Therefore we decided to sprinkle eM Client with a bit of joy and created a brand new Christmas theme.


Design your own eM Client

21 Dec 2020

The updated eM Client 8.1 comes with a unique feature currently found in no other email client on the market in this form, and possibly in no other desktop software – an advanced WYSIWYG theme editor!


eM Client 8.1 is released

3 Dec 2020

Progress simply can’t be stopped. Just a few months after the release of eM Client 8, we have a new upgraded version up and running. eM Client 8.1 comes with hundreds of fixes and optimizations as well as added functionality, including support for additional cloud storage providers, and a unique feature currently found in no other email client (possibly not even any other desktop software) on the market – an advanced theme editor!


Yahoo! setup issues resolved

24 Nov 2020

Three weeks ago (11/08/2020) our OAuth registration at the Yahoo Developer Portal became misconfigured - so a Yahoo! account could not be set up via Automatic setup.


eM Client never sells your data

13 Nov 2020

We take the protection of your data very seriously. Unlike the case of many other services, your data is completely safe with eM Client as we never provide it to any third-party – simply because, by definition, we cannot even access the data ourselves.


eM Client 8 from the user’s viewpoint

9 Oct 2020

eM Client introduced several new features in the recently released version 8. We will take a closer look at the most interesting ones, from the viewpoint of a common user.